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Node Js Javascript Features


The computer technology has continued to develop new applications each day. Every new day, new programs are made to serve different purposes. Old versions of different software are replaced with new advanced ones.  Users are increasingly provided with a diverse range of options to choose from. The user only needs to understand his/her needs and therefore get the right software for his/her task.  To be assured of getting the right software, the user needs to have some basic knowledge of the software available in the market and their uses. 


Javascript is one of the application software which has been receiving increased usage in the recent history. There are various models of Javascript program. Node js is one of the latest versions of Javascript framework. What is Node.js? This is an open platform runtime for developing server part applications. One of the essential features of node js is that is event driven handling the I/O bits. It also uses the Javascript and the V8 parser. It also has the capability of creating concurrent applications. The software has proved to very efficient for application developers.


The benefits of using node js varied. To start with, it allows web development in a dynamic language since it utilizes Javascript.  It is, therefore, fast than other softwares. It is also possible to handle many concurrent connections with minimum overhead using a single process. Use of Javascript is e good way it handles event loops since people are already used to it. It is easy to use framework for the server side.   It is light weight and therefore efficient. Another great thing about the node js is that it is scalable. It is compatible with multiple file systems including HTTP, DNS, UDP or SSL; it can also run on OS X, Microsoft Windows nonstop, and UNIX servers.


 For a person who wants to get acquainted with the use of node js or even its advantages, there are lots of tutorial materials available. The online platform provides details on the features of the node express js system. They also provide adequate details on its areas of application. The online tutorial shows guidelines on how to install the package on your computer.   The tutorial will also give you step by step instructions on how to use the package.  There is also online assistance platform where one can seek support whenever need be. This is intended to ensure that one gets all superior benefits of this js framework. This guide is paramount for both beginners and those who are proficient in its applications.

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